CheckPoint Models - Popular

CheckPoint Models - Popular

Documentation of the popular Stable Diffusion CheckPoint Models

SDXL is live now for everyone to use

Stable Diffusion XL Model - SDXL

Stable Diffusion XL or SDXL is the lastest image generation model that can generate realistic faces, legible text within the images, and better image composition compared previous SD models, including SD 2.1

Image 1
  • model_id: sdxl
  • model_type: base model / checkpoint

Anything V5

Image 1
  • model_id: anything-v5
  • model_type: base model / checkpoint


Image 1
  • model_id: meinamix
  • model_type: base model / checkpoint

Dark Sushi 2.5D

Image 1
  • model_id: dark-sushi-25d
  • model_type: base model / checkpoint

Dark Sushi Mix

Image 1
  • model_id: dark-sushi-mix
  • model_type: base model / checkpoint


Image 1
  • model_id: cityedgestylemix
  • model_type: base model / checkpoint


Image 1
  • model_id: cetusmix
  • model_type: base model / checkpoint


Image 1
  • model_id: ghostmix
  • model_type: base model / checkpoint


Image 1
  • model_id: dosmix
  • model_type: base model / checkpoint


Image 1
  • model_id: ddosmix
  • model_type: base model / checkpoint

Cinnamon (Mega Man X Command Mission)

Image 1
  • model_id: cinnamon
  • model_type: base model / checkpoint

Three Delicacy Wonton

Image 1
  • model_id: three-delicacy-wonton
  • model_type: base model / checkpoint


Image 1
  • model_id: m9rbgas9t4w
  • model_type: base model / checkpoint

majicMIX realistic 麦橘写实

Image 1
  • model_id: majicmixrealistic
  • model_type: base model / checkpoint

majicMIX sombre 麦橘唯美

Image 1
  • model_id: majicmixsombre
  • model_type: base model / checkpoint

majicMIX fantasy 麦橘幻想

Image 1
  • model_id: majicmixfantasy
  • model_type: base model / checkpoint


Image 1
  • model_id: cyberrealistic
  • model_type: base model / checkpoint


Image 1
  • model_id: chilloutmix
  • model_type: base model / checkpoint