ChatGPT Account Configuration

ChatGPT Account Configuration

  • This document helps you with setting up your BYOA seat for GPTs API.
  • Note that GoAPI would not ask for your ChatGPT account ID and/or password (or for any other accounts for that matter) under any circumstances.

1. How to get ChatGPT's session token

We are using Chrome's DevTools to get the value in this tutorial, please Google the revelant content if you are not familiar.
  • You will need a ChatGPT Plus/Team subscription account, and proceed to login to ChatGPT .
  • Open the Google Chrome DevTools on that page, by pressing F12 on your keyboard.
  • Refresh your ChatGPT page, and open Chrome DevTools' Network tab, find a request named user.
  • In the Headers of that request, find the Cookie paramater that starts with _Secure-next-auth.session_token=
  • The value between = and ; would be the session token you need, as demonstrated below:
Where you can find the session token

2. How to get ChatGPT's access token

We are using Chrome's DevTools to get the value in this tutorial, please Google the revelant content if you are not familiar.
  • If you have followed Step 1 above, just look for the Authorization instead of Cookie ;
  • The whole value starting with eyJ... would be the access_token you are look for, as demostrated below:
Where you can find the access token

3. Fill-in the form to bind your ChatGPT account

  • After getting your access_token and session_token, visit here
  • You will need at least one BYOA seat subscription for GPTs API to use the API under BYOA mode.
  • Click 'Bind ChatGPT account to Seat', fill in the obtained tokens, click 'bind', and you are good to go.